Ninkilim Comparison

Ninkilim Compared to Other Networks

Feature Twitter (X) Bluesky Mastodon OSSN Friendica Pleroma Diaspora PeerTube Hubzilla Misskey Nostr Ninkilim
Architecture Centralized Centralized UI, Decentral Storage Decentralized (ActivityPub) Centralized (Self-Hosted) Decentralized (ActivityPub, Diaspora) Decentralized (ActivityPub) Decentralized (Diaspora Protocol) Decentralized (ActivityPub) Decentralized Decentralized (ActivityPub) Decentralized (Nostr Protocol) Decentralized (Self-Hosted/Clustered)
User Authentication Username / Password Username / Password Password Password Password-based Password Username / Password Username / Password Username / Password Password-based Public/Private Key Pair Passwordless via Email Tokens
Content Synchronization Central server handles all Planned for decentralization Federated, server-to-server Manual or plugin-based Federated, server-to-server Federated, server-to-server Federated, pod-to-pod Federated, video sharing Federated, across hubs Federated, server-to-server Client-driven, no central server Clustered, content synchronized
Post Length 280 characters 300 characters (subject to change) 500 characters Flexible, Markdown supported No strict limit, Markdown No strict limit, Markdown No strict limit, Markdown Video-centric, long descriptions No strict limit, rich text No strict limit, MFM formatting No strict limit, depends on clients Markdown posts, no strict limit
Media Support Images, Videos, GIFs Images, Videos Images, Videos, Audio Images, Videos, Customizable Images, Videos, Audio Images, Videos, Audio Images, Videos Videos, Images Images, Videos, Files Images, Videos, Audio Depends on client implementations Images, Videos, Custom Media
API Access Restricted, Paid for full access Open API for development Open API for development Open API, customizable Open API, extensible Open API, extensible Limited API Open API for development Open API, extensible Open API Open, no central API Open API for development
Clustering & Federation Not applicable Developing AT Protocol for this Federated by default Not inherently, but can be extended Federated, plugin support Federated, server clusters Federated, pod clusters Federated, instance clusters Federated, hub clusters Federated, server clusters No clustering, peer-to-peer Clustered, manual source setup
User Control Over Algorithms No direct control, algorithmic Users can select algorithms Chronological by default, customizable None by default, customizable Limited, plugin-based Limited, server configuration Limited, pod configuration Limited, by instance admin Extensive, through hubs Customizable by server admins Client-driven, no algorithms Chronological, searchable
Privacy & Data Ownership Limited user control Emphasis on user data control Strong emphasis on user control High control, self-hosted Strong emphasis on user control Strong emphasis on user control Strong emphasis on user privacy Strong, instance-specific policies Strong, with many privacy options Strong, instance-specific policies High, self-sovereign data High control, self-hosted or clustered
Moderation Centralized, can be controversial Automated with user control Server-specific, community-driven Customizable by the admin Server-specific, community-driven Server-specific, community-driven Pod-specific, community-driven Instance-specific Hub-specific, community-driven Server-specific, community-driven No central moderation, client-based Admin-based, configurable
Interoperability Limited Planned with AT Protocol With ActivityPub protocol Limited, depends on plugins High, with multiple protocols High with ActivityPub Limited to Diaspora network With other ActivityPub platforms High, with multiple protocols With other ActivityPub platforms Interoperable via Nostr protocol Limited, JSON/XML API
Search Functionality Advanced, algorithmic Basic, customizable feeds Server-specific, less advanced Basic, depends on setup Basic, server-specific Basic, server-specific Basic, pod-specific Basic, instance-specific Advanced, hub-specific Advanced, server-specific Depends on client implementation Advanced, chronological & by search
Monetization Ads, Premium features Not specified, open-source ethos Donations, no ads by default Free, can be monetized by host Donations, no ads by default Donations, no ads by default Donations, no ads by default Donations, no ads by default Donations, no ads by default Donations, no ads by default No central monetization Not specified, customizable
User Migration Difficult to export data Designed for portability Data can be moved between servers Depends on implementation Data can be moved between servers Data can be moved between servers Data can be moved between pods Data can be moved between instances Data can be moved between hubs Data can be moved between servers User controls data, no migration needed Data import from X, manual setup
Running Own Server Not applicable PDS Limited to 10 users, requires subdomain, DNS setup, no UI Full server with UI, unlimited users Full server with UI, customizable Full server with UI, customizable Full server with UI, customizable Full pod with UI, customizable Full server with UI, video focus Full hub with UI, customizable Full server with UI, customizable No central server, client-driven Full server with UI, JSON/XML data, clustered
Direct Web Access Via official app or website No direct web access for PDS, needs Bluesky app Direct via domain/server Direct via domain/server Direct via domain/server Direct via domain/server Direct via domain/server Direct via domain/server Direct via domain/server Direct via domain/server No central server for direct access Direct via domain/server with JSON/XML API